021 02774637



43 Tahi Street
Mapua, 7005

IPL-Intense Pulse Light at The Beauty Rooms & Day Spa


Finally a solution to permanent removal of white, blonde, grey and red hair plus black hair on any area of the body as well as any colour of skin, as well as the most advanced, patented technology in the world for effective and safe treatment of other skin concerns like fine lines, and aging, pigmentation and acne

We use – Adena IPL -this French medical technology was developed by EFB, designed and manufactured in France. There are three main benefits of Adena’s advanced technology we believe it is safer, less painful and very successful.

For ALL HAIR types – even RED, BLOND, GREY, WHITE. Since these hair colours have no melanin, IPL doesn’t work. However, the Adena has a separate, new patented hand piece for this type of hair that targets the haemoglobin instead of the melanin. We wax the area to be treated beforehand to increase the blood flow for a more successful treatment.
More information about IPL Permanent Hair Reduction.

The Beauty Rooms and Day Spa Motueka IPL is suitable for all Hair types. The Beauty Rooms and Day Spa Motueka

IPL Hair Reduction for all hair colours

IPL hair removal is probably the best option for permanent hair reduction.  IPL's unique design allows customised treatments according to the colour, texture and location of hair growth.  Any hair - black, brown, red, blonde, white and grey hair can be treated effectively with new patented technology from Adena.

Pulses of Intense Light penetrate the skin and heat the hair shaft and follicle which cause an effect on hair growth.  A series of treatments is required to effectively reduce your growth.  Your IPL expert will advise the amount and frequency of treatments you require.

IPL Skin Rejuvenation

Removing the visible signs of ageing can take years off your appearance giving you a smooth clear skin.  A course of IPL treatments is required and excellent long term results are possible with a healthy lifestyle and careful attention to the proper use of good skincare and sun block.

IPL Treatment for Pigmentation

Pigmentation, discoloration and sun spots can all be treated effectively with IPL providing you with the clear and even complexion you have always wanted.  A course of treatments is required and excellent long term results are possible with a healthy lifestyle and specific products to target the pigment producing skin cells and of course the daily use of sun block.

IPL Treatment for Red Veins.

Redness flushing and damaged or broken capillaries respond well to IPL Treatment.  Your therapist will consult with you to establish the best IPL treatment protocols and homecare products to help strengthen your capillaries and improve skin density.

The Beauty Rooms and Day Spa          The Beauty Rooms and Day Spa

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